Volunteering with a group
Volunteering with a group
Hello, this is Rahabi from Montréal,
I'm teacher at collège Rosemont for 12 years. Volunt2thai is a wonderful organization, providing volunteers ( and my with group of students aswell) the opportunity to make this authentik expérience, learn new skills ( teaching) and immerse themselves in a thaï culture. For me, volunteering at V2T was very rewarding, of course, there was some challenging moments. The accomadtion at V2T is basic, but you easily adapt to living like a local, this includes eating rice three times a day too :).
Volunteering at V2T in Thailand is one of the best things I've ever done, it does not come without its challenges and culture shock, however, the experience exceeded any of the expectations I had. I strongly recommend this organization and invite you to dive in this wonderful region of Issan. I also invite you to read the testimonies of the Thailand Rosemont Project Co-workers, Edition 2018. These testimonies are accompanied by photos https://mobiliterosemont.wordpress.com/category/thailande
Volunteering with a group
If your consider to come as a group for a volunteering excursion to Thailand then contact Volunt2thai. We have the group volunteering know-how to ensure that your group volunteering experience will be one that you will never forget. Volunt2Thai Campus & Cultural Centre can accommodate groups of 8 - 20 people and help to shape individual programs / projects with a social aspect.