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Family volunteering in Northeast Thailand

Meaningful Family Time: Volunteering in a Thai Village. Imagine being a guest in a Thai village, immersed in the rich culture and hospitality of the locals. At Volunt2Thai, you have the unique opportunity to learn from the villagers and actively participate in village life. Your family can support the children in the village and in the schools, creating unforgettable experiences.

Volunt2Thai offers families a wealth of exciting activities in a welcoming and well-equipped campus. Whether you're passionate about sports, yoga, languages, music, nature, cultivation, or even culinary arts like baking bread and preparing meals with fresh, home-grown vegetables from our Food Forest, there's something for everyone. Enjoy quality time together as a family while making a positive impact on the community.

On weekends, we bake fresh bread in our very own bakery workshop. Here, we create the best bread creations and cakes, and of course, everyone is welcome to present their own creations.

Our fish ponds provide plenty of fun, and we even have a boat available for you to use.

Plus, every now and then, an elephant comes to visit, adding an extra touch of magic to your stay.

Recently, we made pizza with the kids, and not only did they learn how to make it, but they also enjoyed every delicious bite.

Our campus features a modern outdoor kitchen, fully equipped with all necessary appliances and utensils. We were missing a microwave, but thanks to the generous gift from the Doering family, we now have one! Future families and volunteers will surely appreciate this thoughtful addition.

Additionally, we are fortunate to be part of the vibrant local community, where various festivals take place in the surrounding villages. It’s wonderful that we can join in these celebrations and fully immerse ourselves in the local culture.

To make the most of our weekends, we use our spacious VIP bus for excursions, allowing us to explore nearby attractions and enjoy new adventures together.

Give your children the adventure of a lifetime with V2T in the unspoilt northeast of Thailand. Bring your teens or toddlers to explore the customs and culture of rural Thailand and at the same time help to support the village community.

Although our village schools providing a basic education to around 650 children aged between 5 and 12 years old, resources are limited and teachers are in short supply. The children are hungry to learn and are ready to greet you with the warmest of smiles. Your children can join them in the classroom and experience primary school education 'Thai style' whilst your teens help with after school activities such as games, sports or arts and crafts

Realise your own teaching ambitions by teaching the students English though informal and fun classes. The whole family will be helping to provide the children with a better future.

During your stay with V2T you will have the opportunity to help the local community in so many diverse ways. From teaching at the village school to helping the farmer with his rice harvest or livestock, your contribution will always be greatly appreciated by the community. And every penny you spend locally during your stay directly  supports local jobs and in so doing helps to stem the flow of yet another generation of youngsters drifting off to the cities to find any kind of employment to support their families.

During your stay with V2T you will have the opportunity to help the local community in so many diverse ways. From teaching at the village school to helping the farmer with his rice harvest or livestock, your contribution will always be greatly appreciated by the community. And every penny you spend locally during your stay directly  supports local jobs and in so doing helps to stem the flow of yet another generation of youngsters drifting off to the cities to find any kind of employment to support their families.

Join the local cultural events, dress up in Thai costume and learn a little about the Buddhist way of life with a visit to one of the many beautiful temples in the area. The way of life in the Isan region of northeast Thailand has little changed over the centuries and a stay at the V2T campus will give you a more authentic experience of Thailand than a stay at the many popular tourist destinations. Why not make volunteering part of your Asian adventure and contact us today? Check out the video for an insight into family volunteering with V2T. 

Our experience - Testimonial Thailand 14 June to 12 July 2019 

With our family, consisting of Wout (6 years), Anoek (9), Charlotte and myself, we have been part of a small community in the Northeast of Thailand for a month. We stayed in a kind of compound where several volunteers could stay. Despite the fact that the facilities are less than we are used to in our little country, it turned out to be a wonderful retreat. We had a nice room, which we called our penthouse, a cosy communal area with various hammocks and a shower where occasional cosy beetles would delight you with a visit while showering and doing a message. The many insects in combination with the high temperatures certainly took us some getting used to, but you also get a very nice experience in return. During our stay we also met several volunteers, with in the first week a group of Canadians, then a group of Mexicans, followed by Portuguese and a group of Dutch young girls. So in our four weeks we met many interesting and nice volunteers from all over the world.

In terms of work, we participated in the Ban Nong Kung primary school for four weeks. We gave English there, or at least made an attempt. Our children went to this beautiful school. We wanted to give our children an experience about how things are going in other places in the world. Thanks in part to this school, it has been a top experience for our children, and they look back on it with great pleasure. The children adapted easily and quickly had boyfriends and girlfriends.

It is a very rural area with many rice fields around you. It is a poor area where people can use a helping hand. Although our presence has been short, you notice that the children have come to speak nice English. Whether that is due to the volunteers who are coming there for 5 years now or the teachers there, I do not know. But I am convinced that the Volun2thai project makes a positive contribution to the area.

It is a small community where everyone has always responded enthusiastically to our presence. It has been a special and educational experience in many ways. By staying a little longer in one place, we believe it is a nice way to get to know people better and to know the ins and outs of a community.

And of course it is not all fun and fantastic, because you also come across yourself, which is also an educational experience for yourself. Sometimes it takes some time to find out how you can participate in such a project so that it leads to a positive experience for all involved, including yourself. For us it is at least an unforgettable month that we will never forget for the rest of our lives, just like our children. It is also very special that we have been able to experience this together with our young children.

This month was part of a longer stay with our family in Southeast Asia, where the question to our children where they would prefer to go back, they invariably mention the two volunteer projects (Sri Lanka and Thailand). Many thanks to all people and of course Raimund and Linly that we have been allowed to be part of this for a short period.

Stappen om wereldreis te kunnen maken met het gezin

Stappen om wereldreis te kunnen maken met het gezin

Naast goede voorbereiding hebben wij de volgende stappen in de genoemde volgorde afgelopen. Wij hebben daarin bewust gekozen het via het boekje te doen en niet te kiezen voor het uitschrijven uit Nederland (wat ook een mogelijkheid is om niet onder de leerplicht te vallen). Het lijkt heel wat, maar eigenlijk ook prima te overzien.

Een half jaar voorafgaan aan het beoogde vertrek: het maken van een plan met daarin een plek voor onderwijs van de kinderen. Wij hebben daarin bewust gekozen voor de periode maart - augustus, omdat daarin relatief veel schoolvakanties zitten. Dat minimaliseert het gemiste onderwijs en daarbij is er geen ontheffing nodig vanaf het moment dat de Nederlandse zomervakantie start. 

De eerste stappen voor ons waren na het globaal plan waren vervolgens (half jaar voor vertrek):

- contact met de leerplichtambtenaar hoe we dit conform de regels konden

- contact met de basisschool, hoe zij hier tegenaan kijken en in hoeverre ondersteuning dan wel lesmateriaal meenemen mogelijk is.

Naar aanleiding van dit contact ervoor gekozen om als onderdeel van onze reis vrijwilligerswerk te gaan doen op scholen in het buitenland, waarbij dan de kinderen dan mee zouden gaan naar die school. Op die wijze zouden zij het onderwijs in een ander land kunnen ervaren en achteraf gezien met recht een topervaring. Onze kinderen zijn ook ingeschreven op de school waar wij heen gingen, waarmee de ontheffing van de leerplicht is verkregen. Naast les op de scholen in Sri Lanka en Thailand, hebben wij onze kinderen ook lesgegeven met gebruik van het Nederlandse leermateriaal van de eigen basisschool en digitale hulpmiddelen (Squla, Qynzi kids, E-reader). Via internet gezocht naar een geschikte vrijwilligersorganisatie voor het beoogde onderwijs. Na eerste contact met de organisatie bleek dat het een mogelijkheid was, dus vervolgens wat concreter te werk gegaan.

- het aanpassen van het plan, inclusief een begroting (de kosten in de periode van vrijwilligerswerk liggen aanzienlijk lager). 

- contact met de werkgever voor onbetaald verlof (wat kan betekenen dat je de pensioenpremies moet doorbetalen (bij ABP wel, bij PFZW niet)

- 3 maanden voor vertrek vaccinaties inplannen (sommige vacinaties moeten meermaals). Kosten vaccinaties voor gezin ruim 2000 euro, dus kijk goed naar de aanvullende zorgverzekering

- huis verhuren na goedkeuring hypotheekverstrekker en contact verzekeraar (inboedel en opstal), met huurcontract via makelaar (kosten contract 300 euro).

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