Classroom / teacher training for our volunteers / English Camp
Classroom / teacher training for our volunteers / English Camp
Thanks to the support of TW English OrganizeR: TWEZ CREW - Tony Wathasilp,
we are able to offer Free Teacher Training to volunteers as the occasion arises. (1 to 2 times a month). This takes place within the framework of English camps which take place obligatorily at the state schools in Thailand. Our volunteers are invited to participate proactive as well.

ntro of TW English OrganizeR: TWEZ CREW - Tony Wathasilp
Achievement: Educational Supervision aims at developing English Teaching for both teachers and students. This has established the group of English Teachers and friends to create “TW English Organizer” as a team for motivating and inspiring especially young learners in learning English with joyfulness and happiness. Beneath the belief of when people are relaxing and happy, they can learn the language more interestingly fun and naturally. We give them good English meaningful activities, games, music and songs which English is blended in the activities for them to learn the language unconsciously and naturally.
About TW English OrganiZer .....

# TW English OrganiZer / WHAT is “TW English OrganiZer” ?
We are a team of English teachers and musicians who would like to give opportunities for young learners or teenagers to experience learning English language using meaningful communicative activities, games and songs. There are 2 particular joined groups namely “TWEZ JUNIOR and TWEZ CREW”.
We believe that learning English while people are relaxing and happy while the music played along can help learn better. This is called “English camp” where learners can play, dance, and sing along, more importantly, they can practice listening and speaking English through games designed by making inclusive learning activities, so they can also learn how to work with other people using critical thinking, negotiating and communicative skills.
Doing this is needed for young learners living in this society is this 21st century and surrounded by using technology and social medias. We attempt to motivate and inspire young learners, teenagers, teachers, and others people who want to speak English in learning English not just only able to speak and for understanding and having friendship with many people around the world with love and presenting the way of Thai living styles in many places around Thailand.

TWEZ stand for Tony, my name, W: Wathsilp which in Thai means “ Adorable speech” E: English for sure and Z: OrganiZer, the 4 letter seems Mnemonic for naming the group. We would like children to learn English especially speaking and listening skills. Tony who love listening to English songs and singing and dancing (Hahahah), head of the group has ideas to change the ways in learning English by providing ways to practice English by self-motivation and inspiration for driving and proving oneself that you also can speak English.
How we believe in….

All humans are awesome in oneself and English is the door opened to another world. Success will occur not just by studying hard but need to balance living by living with people, sharing ideas and taught surrounded us because various people thinks differently so, we need English as a mean for communication.
Thinking process is so important, and how logically think is a must, in addition how to be more creative is the way to happy life. This concept is created by TWEZ for learners to be able to solve problems and help one another in collaboration which creates variety of ideas and great work of success. English and Thai for them is a tool for seeking better opportunities in the future. People need good thought, specify and devotion so, happiness in life begin for self and others.

When and Where for the camp:
Normally school contact us directly by phone no. or facebook page : TW English organizer for 1 , 2 or 3 Day- camp. It depends on the satiation of a school. Normally it is all every months more often during cold season: November to January annually, except April – May because it is during school semester break. The place for the camp is normally at primary and secondary schools but sometimes at a particular place hotels or other resources in Thailand.
For more information contact:
facebook page: TW English Organizer
Tony Wathsilp, head of TWEZ teams.

Name: Kittirong Boonkong (Tony Wathasilp)
Address: The Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 21 (Nongkhai Buengkan) Nongkomkoh Muangnongkhai Nongkhai 43000
Master of Arts: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Udon Thani,
EIL: English as an International Language, Chulalongkorn University (2 experiences in International Program :)
Diploma: English Teaching Certificate
Bachelor of Arts: English
Contact: Email: 062-989-4965 (Tony Wathsilp)
Experiences: 2018 – Present: Educational Supervisor (English Teaching Training and Technology)
2016 -2017: English Teacher Trainer (Thai Master Trainer:TMT) in cooperation with
British Council Thailand under the project “English Teacher Training”
(English Boot Camp: 2017-2018)
2012 – 2016: On- Duty Government Teacher (English), Debate Adjudicator,
Impromptu Speech Adjudicator
2007- 2011: English Lecturer at Udon Thani Rajabhat University, Muang Udon Thani